Richard T. Barfield, PhD

Biostatistician III
Duke University, Durham, NC



I am a Biostatistician III in the Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Department at Duke University. I currently work within the Center for Human Systems Immunology (CHSI) and the Center for Aids Research (CFAR) with Dr. Cliburn Chan. There I serve as a collaborative statistician working with investigators on a number of Immunological and HIV/AIDS projects. I received my PhD in biostatistics at Harvard University working with Drs. Xihong Lin and Peter Kraft. I also have an MPH in biostatistics from Emory University working with Dr. Karen Conneely. After my PhD (and prior to joining Duke), I was a post-doc at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the University of Washington working with Drs. Li Hsu and Ulrike Peters.


  • PhD in Biostatistics, 2017

    Harvard University

  • MPH in Biostatistics, 2012

    Emory University

  • BA in Mathematics, 2010

    University of North Florida

R code


barfieldrichard8 (At) gmail (Dot) com